Please note that Staplegrove Village Hall will be closed for maintenance on 7th and 14th August so there will be no dancing on those dates

We are a group of Scottish Country Dance enthusiasts, some Scottish, some not, who meet every Wednesday evening to dance. Some of us have been dancing most of our lives; others are new to it. All of us enjoy the opportunity to meet, socialise, learn new dances and dance the familiar ones. Our dances are walked through first, often more than once, to refresh our memories and give newer members a chance to learn them. We are a friendly group and, although we always try to dance our best, we have fun as well and don't take it too seriously.

In recent years we introduced the idea of "core dances" in which members who wish to do so are invited to dance a single dance per evening without a walkthrough. The aim is to provide an opportunity to learn some dances especially well. The programme of core dances and accompanying Minicrib for the period January to June 2024 are available via the links below.

Core dance programme
Minicrib for core dances

Experienced dancers visiting the area are always welcome to join in. Complete beginners are welcome but, as we recognise that Scottish country dancing is not easy to begin with, we would ask those who would like to give it a try to make contact with us first so that we can arrange a suitable introduction and integration. If you are a beginner and would like to give Scottish Country Dancing a try please contact Sandra on 01823 979093.

We generally hold two dances during the year, one in the summer and one in November although this year, for the first time, we are also holding an afternoon tea dance on Sunday 15th September at Staplegrove Hall. Further details will be published when they are available.


More About the Society

Details of our Meetings




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